Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Artificial Sweeteners Are Really Bad Essay

Artificial sweeteners are chemicals or natural compounds that replace the sweetness of sugar, without all of the calories. But sometimes the label ‘sugar-free’ masks calories present in the food or drink. Aspartame, which is in Equal is a common chemical sweetener with crazy possible side effects. Effects include hallucinations to seizures and brain tumors; it is hardly worth consuming for the sake of saved calories in my opinion. Then you also have Sucralose, which is known as Splenda. Recent research suggests that Splenda can enlarge both the liver and kidneys and shrink the thymus glands. Splenda reportedly can cause skin rashes, panic, diarrhea, headaches, bladder issues, stomach pain, and those side effects don’t even sum it up. In addition to all of this, consider the waste involved in the industry of artificially sweetening. Ever stepped into a coffee shop and noticed a mound of sugar substitute packets building on the counter or in the trash? We’ve been wasting one of our most precious resources for the sake of a sweetener that can harm our bodies and prevent weight loss. So what you can do instead to get your sugar fix? Turn to natural sweeteners for your drinks and food alike. Honey, agave nector, organic maple syrup, brown rice syrup, and stevia are just a few natural sweeteners you can turn to. Not only will they wreak your body less, but your support of these sweeteners instead will, eventually, help to slow the production of toxic artificial sweeteners. I am interested in this topic because so many people that I know use artificial sugar. My mom however, has never let us use things like sweet and low or splenda because she was always aware of the bad things that happen in your body because of these artificial sugars. I want to be able to answer the question â€Å"well why is it bad?† when people ask me why they shouldn’t use splenda and sweet and low. I will approach this as an informative paper, letting the audience know why it is bad, but also trying to convince people not to use it at the end.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Psychology and Yellow Bile Essay

1.Jack is a second-grade student. He seems to have no interest in learning, often daydreaming in class and frequently disrupting the class by throwing objects at other students. Describe how a biopsychosocial approach might provide both an integrated explanation of Jack’s classroom behavior and practical suggestions for helping Jack to cope more effectively with the challenges he faces. Jack is in second grade and is having a hard time behaving in school. Such as not paying attention and disrupting the class. Those two factors seem to play into integrated biopsychosocial. Biopsychosocial has three different elements to it: biological, psychological, and social-cultural. These three things can provide three different ways and reasons of why Jack is acting the way he is in class. An example of biological would be ADHD or ADD, which could be helped by a doctor prescribing him a medication. Psychological could have a lot to do with his acting out in class. He probably has the feeling he needs to fit in and find his group of friends. Psychological problems could be helped in many ways, but one that would really help Jack is possibly seeing a school Counselor. Last but not least, that deals with Jacks behavior is the social culture. This could also have something to do with his friends. His friends could be giving the impression they like him more or will be his friend if they act out. Once the staff and parents look into these three different elements and make changes, Jack will be on the right track again. 2.List and define the principal ways psychologists observe and describe behavior. When psychologists observe and describe behavior, they do it in a systematically, or showing many different methods. A few different methods are case studies, surveys, and naturalistic observation. Case studies are the oldest research method and studies one person in hoping to find the truth of ones problems. A survey though looks in a different angle than the case study. A survey asks many questions which go into detail about one’s behavior. The survey will also hopefully let them figure something out about themselves. The last method of how psychologists observe and describe behavior is naturalistic observations. Psychologists use this in natural environments and can provide research and answer questions. Naturalistic observations do not explain behavior but describes it, according to our book. 3.The ancient Greek physician Hippocrates believed that four basic body fluids (blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm) influenced human behavior, emotions, and personality. Use your understanding of the body’s rapid and slow chemical communication systems to support or refute the general logic of Hippocrates’ theory. The ancient Green physician Hippocartes believed blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm, played a major role in human behavior, emotions, and personality. I don’t think blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm, have to do with anything controlling your human behavior, emotions, and personality. I believe your mood and what you are exactly going through that day make up why your human behavior, emotions, and personality are the way they are. Another reason why I don’t fully believe Hippocartes beliefs are because he had no actual proof of his reasoning. 4.Describe how an understanding of both a normally functioning brain and a split brain enables us to better appreciate the fact that most information processing takes place outside of conscious awareness. To fully understand the functioning of the brain and a split brain, we must first realize that most of our information we take in and store in our brain does take place without us realizing it. The split brain shows that both sides of the brain do not work together which gets in the way of putting information together. The normal brain does work together and does put information together. Whether it’s a normal brain or split brain, we are able to see the amazing things the brain does and how it works.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Why Did America Withdraw Its Forces

By 1973, after a decade of brutal armed contact and with nearly 60,000 Americans dead, the once proud and mighty USA had been brought to its knees. Feeling isolated the USA decided to abandon its commitment in Vietnam after rising pressure from years of mistakes. America withdrew from Vietnam due to several main reasons; some were long-term e.g. Protests of the American citizens, and others were short-term factors e.g. Morale of American soldiers. In this essay I will discuss the main factors for American withdrawal from Vietnam and try to process the most important ones. I will show how the US media combined with protests in the USA was the most important reason for American withdrawal and ultimately led to the American withdrawal from Vietnam. America’s first mistake regarding the war was the most fundamental. Their tactics. All of America’s tactics were inappropriate, brutal and they were only looking for fast solutions and never the bigger picture. America did the worst thing possible in a war and based all of their tactics on assumptions, which by matter of coincidence were all wrong. The first indication of American tactics being reckless and inappropriate was the infamous â€Å"Operation Rolling Thunder† ordered by LBJ and subjected the Ho Chi Minh Trail and other suspected communist bases in South Vietnam to bombing for 8 weeks. 3  ½ years later more bombs had been dropped on South Vietnam than all the bombs that were dropped in the Second World War, the Ho Chi Minh Trail was still intact and the most casualties inflicted were those on Vietnamese civilians leading America to lose the â€Å"Hearts and Minds† of the Vietnamese. After the very first battle of Vietnam, set in The Ia Drang valley, America set a pattern for their tactics which would remain for the rest of the war; tactics which would question the very competence of the American government. General Westmoreland was convinced that if the communists maintained heavy losses they could not and would not continue the war, and also that the American people would accept the American losses if it meant the communists could be defeated. This lead to America measuring their success in the war by using kill to death ratios. In other words, if communists were losing more soldiers than America, then America was winning, and vice versa. General Westmoreland continued to believe that a use of superior firepower over the communists would lead to victory in any battle combined with the usage of search and destroy missions (for lack of a better word, wandering aimlessly into communist territory and expecting to surprise them). In light of the above it’s not surprising that whilst American tactics were failing, the communist’s guerrilla tactics yielded success over the Americans. After the first battle in The Ia Drang Valley the Vietcong knew they could not win large battles with the US as they had backing artillery and air support. They instead opted to do ‘Hit & Run’ guerrilla raids on unsuspecting American troops during search and destroy missions. This would mean much fewer casualties and also having the element of surprise over the Americans. If they were forced into a large battle the Vietcong would try to stay close to the enemy to stop the Americans from calling artillery and air support (they wouldn’t want to hit their own troops of course). Over 51% of Americans killed in the war were killed by small arms i.e. pistols, machine guns, basic military equipment. The communists never tried to think they could go face to face with the full might of the American army and so devised guerrilla tactics to fight a war the Americans were unfamiliar with and were reluctant to fight. Whilst America was always on the lookout for NVA troops to have a large battle they assumed that the less trained Vietcong guerrilla fighters would be of little threat and left them to the ARVN. Whilst the Americans hopelessly looked for the NVA, the Vietcong would watch on and when they least expected would raid the Americans, and before US troops could call for back-up the Vietcong would be gone with miner losses and the Americans in severe distress. The Vietcong were not only dependent on ‘Hit & Run’ operations but also used booby traps and mines. Booby traps were simple and easy to make and would mainly consist of a trip wire and some sharpened bamboo sticks. Mines were more sophisticated but had the same idea. ‘Bouncing betty’ mines would be triggered when a soldier stepped on them, fly up a metre in front of the man walking behind and go off (they were designed to reach the height of a man’s genitals). Over 11% of men killed in the war were caused by booby traps and mines and left the survivors frustrated that no enemy was seen, no one to shoot at. Guerrilla war success was due to Americas stubbornness over its tactics, reluctant to believe that such simple ways of fighting could defeat all the fire power in the US army, and also how the communists always learnt a lesson from their mistakes until they had a strategy for defeating Americans in combat, and seeing as America didn’t want to think it made a mistake in the first place it’s tactics stuck and a pattern was set for the rest of the war. American soldiers were left frustrated that they could never get a good full on fight with the communists like they were trained for, and with no one else to express their anger on they turned on the civilians. This leads onto my next point that through America’s brutal tactics they inadvertently lost the support of Vietnamese civilians. The Americans knew from an early stage that winning the support of the South Vietnamese peasants was a vital key to the war ( the policy was called winning the â€Å"Hearts & Minds† of the people) but unlike the Vietcong the USA didn’t know how to do it and the South Vietnamese government didn’t want to do it. The main issue was land reform and the Vietcong made sure to take land from the rich landowners and give it to the poor peasants, a decision the South Vietnamese government were unwilling to make. Happy with the communist’s ideas peasants would give food, weapons and intelligence to the Vietcong as well as housing them, making it almost impossible for American soldiers to distinguish between friend and foe. Soldiers were angry they were fighting an enemy that could not be seen and would mercilessly kill them in surprise attacks, and so felt they had no choice but to eliminate all threats from nearby-by villages, always suspecting anyone could be a Vietcong and believing it was better to be safe than sorry. â€Å"Zippo raids† were frequently carried out on villages (which mostly weren’t collaborating with the Vietcong) where soldiers would destroy all supplies in the village including animals and then execute suspected communists. Defoliants would be sprayed on all the food and surrounding forest area so Vietcong wouldn’t be able to find supplies or hide (with the most used defoliant called Agent Orange, which was known to cause cancer, and would be washed into the streams by rain and drunk by soldiers on both sides). Although soldiers were directly told not to harm civilians, most peasants couldn’t be distinguished between innocent and guilty as the Vietcong wore civilian clothes. Soldiers would kill the civilians from anger and mistrust over months of low morale and failure (which would lead onto massacres like My Lai). Innocent civilians would be mutilated, raped or killed without a trial, and when the GI’s would leave only resentment and a lust for revenge would be left behind ironically turning most anti-communist civilians into communists themselves. An account from one GI after completing a raid was â€Å"if they weren't pro- Vietcong before we got there, they sure as hell were by the time we left†. Frustrated with their failure to break the support of the peasants for the Vietcong, America initiated the â€Å"Strategic Hamlet† operation in 1962 where peasants were moved away from areas where the NLF was strong and into guarded hamlets, kilometres away from their homes. The operation was a complete failure. In many cases the NLF would already have supporters inside the villages and all that would have been done is moving communist supporters to a new area to spread their ideas. Those villagers who weren’t already in the NLF often would become supporters because of the way they were treated. GI soldiers were always told to see their enemy as subhuman and before long they would treat civilians as they treated the enemy. In the jungle GI’s couldn’t trust anyone who was not an American, as they had learned from past experiences, and weren’t prepared to spare the life of a peasant who could possibly be conspiring to kill them in a moment without mercy. American soldiers started wondering why they were fighting for a group of civilians that just wanted them dead anyway, and without a just cause many of the soldiers lost belief in the war. The argument that will be put forward here is that combined with the realisation that guerrilla warfare tactics dominated over US tactics and the understanding that they were surrounded by enemies, all alone in a country whose citizens didn’t want their help, US soldiers lost sight of the point of their occupation. The soldier questioned why he should fight and risk his life for someone who just wanted to kill him. Over time the average US soldier lost faith in his mission and morale dropped to new lows. Without the morale of the soldiers, fighting an already superior enemy was hopeless. At the beginning morale wasn’t an issue at all. All the soldiers in the army were career soldiers who believed in whatever cause the US government believed in, but after time more and more of them died, leaving only drafted soldiers who didn’t want to be there nor fight for a cause. A one year tour of duty was thought to keep morale high, but unfortunately this tactic was also a horrible failure. A constant supply of replacements was needed for men who had either died or finished their tour of duty and those who were close to the end of their tour of duty (being ‘short’) were desperate to avoid combat or risks, making them less effective. Replacements or ‘cherries’ as they were nicknamed, were inexperienced and would be put into squads with more seasoned veterans of war, whom would not except the cherries until they had proven themselves in combat. Platoons would be divided in two causing a breakdown in communication between the soldiers, making the unit less effective. ‘Fragging’ also became a major problem in platoons. Relationships between conscripted soldiers and officers would usually be strained. Many officers were career soldiers looking for promotion and so needed a high body count of enemy kills, whereas most GI’s who were conscripted just wanted to stay alive until their DEROS (Date Eligible for Return from Overseas). Hostility towards the officers sometimes led to their men killing them and 3% of all officers who were killed in Vietnam were killed by their own men. During 1970-1971 there were over 700 cases of Fragging alone. Another case of low morale among the GI’s was drug-taking, which further diminished the effectiveness of the US forces in Vietnam. Marijuana was the most popular drug among GI’s in ‘R & R’ (rest and recreation), but cocaine, heroin and amphetamines were also used to get ‘High’. In 1971, 5000 men were treated in hospital for combat wounds and 20,000 were treated for drug abuse. The fact that more troops were treated for drug abuse than combat wounds as well as sometimes Fragging their officers is definitive proof of low morale. More important reasons for low morale occurred during the war also. All soldiers need to know that the cause they are fighting for is a good one as well as knowing that the people back home support them and the cause. If they think that the war isn’t a good one or that the people back home are opposing them then they quickly lose faith in their duty. Between 1966 and 1973 there were 503,000 cases of desertion in the US army in Vietnam (Note – The figures include ‘Draft Dodgers’ and people who deserted multiple times). The truth is drafted soldiers no longer wanted to fight when they were despised by everyone, even their own people at home, and they couldn’t find any good reason left to stay in Vietnam unlike the North Vietnamese who were fighting for their homeland. All the soldiers were broken men and how could the US imagine winning a war if their own troops weren't willing to fight anymore. All of this helps to explain that the war was not just lost for military reasons alone, and that politics played a large part too. At the start of the war the media and people believed the war was the right course of action but as time passed people started questioning the purpose of it all. People began to realize that America wasn’t really at threat from communism and the war wasn't worth the lives of thousands of young soldiers. In 1966 the North Vietnamese finally let a reporter from the New York Times visit north Vietnam. He reported on the destruction of civilian areas and casualties caused by American bombing raids. The US army always denied bombing civilian areas or if there were civilian casualties, they claimed, there weren’t many of them. The reporters’ views widened still the ‘Credibility Gap’ and US citizens began distrusting what the American military was telling them. After the Tet offensive in 1968 the American people were outraged that the North Vietnamese so easily infiltrated South Vietnam with such numbers. For years they had been told that they were on the verge of winning the war but now they seemed further away than ever. Media coverage also helped to portray horrors committed by the American troops towards civilians such as My Lai. The American people were appalled with what they saw and began wondering who the bad guy really was, asking how they could support their own men when they were killing innocent women and children. The war was costing US citizens $20 billion dollars a year which meant that taxes would rise dramatically and LBJ would have to cancel his ‘Great Society’ programme of reform. This was obviously not a popular decision with the Public. President Johnson decided not to stand for re-election in 1968 knowing the war would cost him any chance he had of winning. What finally sparked off the entire nation was when the new president, Nixon ordered the initiation of ‘Operation Menu’. The order included the invasion & bombing of communist bases in neutral Cambodia and Laos. This only appeared as another act of war and a chance of another ‘Vietnam’, which greatly angered the American public. Protests sprang up in universities across the country at the escalation in their country’s role. In one of these protests 4 students were shot and killed by the National Guard at Kent University in Ohio. This Sparked off a further 400 protests in other universities. Other huge protest marches took place in 1969, 1970 and 1971 under the Anti-war movement, and in April 1971 as many as 500,000 people protested in Washington. Two weeks later another demonstration in favour of the war was launched. Only 15,000 took part. It was clear now that the people had spoken and with no other options Nixon began his process of vietnamisation. So after 10 years of hard gruelling war America finally left Vietnam in 1973, accomplishing nothing and leaving behind a corrupt government which would inevitably fall into communist hands. Because of the media it was the first television war and clearly had an effect on their success, lowering the confidence of GI’s and American people in the war. With taxes rising from costs of the war and not knowing if they could trust their own government anymore, the anti-war movement raged in America sparking riots and protests all across the country. The Vietnam War was a huge blow for American foreign policies, showing that communism was a force to be reckoned with if it could beat America. The policy of containment had failed and America’s domino theory was a flop, as the world hadn’t succumbed to communism as America had feared (apart from Laos). A complex chain of cause and effect lead to the dramatic events of 1973, events which still cast a shadow over American policy today.

Trus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Trus - Essay Example There is quite a conflict in determining how trust comes into existence and how one may end up being confident about another person. For trust to exist, it is very important for two or more parties to exist. Trust is an outcome of hard work, persistence and dedication. In order to trust come into existence one individual needs to be confident about another individual. An individual can only show confidence in another individual if previously an individual has performed certain actions. For example: a student can only trust a teacher if the teacher has previously proved that whatever the teacher is teaching is actually real. This means that an individual has to perform certain activities in order to ensure that others trust them. Trust is a very important element of society and has various functions. It is one of the most important elements of any relationship that is taking place between two or more individuals or parties. Trust is the knot that keeps people attached with each other. Without trust relationships cannot take place and if trust is broken, relationships come to an end. Trust is a very important element in leadership. Leaders are those who influence others to work in a certain direction and others only work in the direction provided by the leader if others trust them. Trust is used in various contexts and may have different meanings. But the trust that is referred to the confidence that individuals have in each other is the most common way the term trust is used in the society. Trust is a term used in the context of real estate in which an individual may transfer his/her property to another individual on the basis of trust (Bellairs 99). Trust is used in the context of blind following that individuals have in the context of their religion and god. The most common definition of trust is the confidence that two individuals have in each other or one

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Operation management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 5

Operation management - Essay Example The operations of an organization should be well structured as it would benefit both the organization as well as the customers. It is an important area in management that is related to the designing and controlling of the production system. The major responsibility of operations management is to ensure that the efficiency level of the business operations is high in terms of optimum utilization of resources and meeting the needs of the customers. It involves the management of the entire process of supply chain from procurement of raw materials to the delivery of the finished products. It is related to the conversion of inputs that are raw materials, energy and labor into outputs in the form of products or services. The success of incorporation of operations management in the system requires certain aspects for its success such as creativity, technical knowledge, people skills, and rational analysis. The operations strategy involves plans regarding the use of resources of the firm in a n efficient manner so as to obtain competitive advantage for long run. The concept of operations management is effective handling of the metrics which comprise of quality, stock availability, quality, flexibility and time. The main aim of the teams of operations management is to strike balance between cost and revenue so as to achieve higher net profit margins. Nando’s originating from Portuguese community is a South African restaurant for casual dining. The theme of the restaurant is more of a Portuguese or Mozambique style. The restaurant was founded in the year 1987 and has now expanded its business to twenty four countries and operating through 1000 outlets. The restaurant chain’s total revenue in the past year was about $650 million. The specialty of Nando’s fast food outlets is in chicken dishes either herb and lemon, lime or mango, different levels of spicy meals of Peri-Peri marinades. In some other countries according

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Organization structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Organization structure - Essay Example It has positioned itself as a leader in new product developments and promotions. It has increased their presence in the fast-growing Internet market and direct response television while expanding their international reach. With these core capabilities, it has gained a worldwide reputation for elegance, luxury and superior quality. Even amidst a severe recession and key customers going out of business, the company has proven itself as a durable organization that can weather tough challenges. The worldwide recession declined the consumer spending that affected the sales of the company. With strong leaderships of the company’s Executive Chairman, William Lauder, as well as the President and CEO, Fabrizio Freda, it has responded to the demands of their external environment. It has created business strategies of multi-national expansion, multi-channel distribution and multi-brand leadership in order to support the company’s growth and sustainability. Recently, the company has announced a new organizational structure and leadership team in order to further quickly respond to a fast changing market economy and position itself as an effective organization in implementing and achieving its corporate strategies and financial goals. Figure 1 illustrates the new structure of the organization. The Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors have people in the leadership team reporting to him such as the President and Chief Executive Officer, Executive Vice Presidents of General Counsel, Global Human Resource and Global Communications, Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President for Corporate Administration. The structure of the organization under the CEO is designed as a hybrid structure of products, geographical and functional departmentalization. The CEO has an executive leadership team directly reporting to him. The product departments are divided into four clusters brands that are organized according to channel and consumer segmentation.

Friday, July 26, 2019

The World Bank is currently advising newly industrialized countries on Research Paper

The World Bank is currently advising newly industrialized countries on how to encourage growth and they have asked for your help - Research Paper Example Thus, through innovation, which is accompanied by patenting of the newly generated ideas or commodities, the firms eventually grow and obtain a reasonable market share for their products (Arora, Fosfuri, & Gambardella, 2001). Tax cuts and state financing is the other method that has been applied to promote the growth of firms in these countries. The governments of these countries have created institutions, for example the Economic Development Board in Singapore, which provides long and short term financing for firms, promotes industrial investment and creates an enabling environment, such as industrial estates for firms to operate (Arora, Fosfuri, & Gambardella, 2001). This way, firms are afforded an opportunity to thrive in the tough economic conditions through financial support, which enables them to grow and eventually become large companies. The most suitable method, which should be adopted by the firms in these countries to grow economically, is innovation. The rationale behind this is the fact that, innovation helps a firm to develop new products, services and ideas, which help it, compete effectively with other firms in the market, as opposed to government financing and support, which serves to increase competition (Arora, Fosfuri, & Gambardella,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Company Analysis and Valuation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Company Analysis and Valuation - Essay Example This will be done by comparing the financial ratios to other companies within the same industry so as to get a feel for the true or normal performance of the company. Finally, the report will use the valuation models in trying to compute the intrinsic value of the company and then compares it with the current value of the company to decide if this stock is overvalued or undervalued. Ratio analysis refers to the systematic use of ratios to interpret a company’s financial statements in order to determine its weaknesses and strengths, financial health as well as its current performance and historical performance. The profitability ratios of Masraf Al-Rayan have been fluctuating, however, they shows an upward trend from 2012 implying that the profitability of the company has been increasing over the period. The net profit margin and ROA are relatively equal to the industry average value indicating that the company has the same profitability as other firms in the industry. However, other firms gives their shareholders more returns that Masraf Al-Rayan because their average ROE is higher than that of the firm. Management efficiency ratios indicates how well a firm is managing its liabilities and how effectively it is utilizing its assets. Efficiency ratios indicates the efficiency with which the assets of the company are working to generate sales revenue or income (Kapil, 2011). The company’s management efficiency ratios have been fluctuating throughout the period implying that Masraf-Al-Rayan’s efficiency has been changing over the period. In comparison to the industry average, the Company’s efficiency ratios are lower; this indicates that the company is relatively less efficient than other firms in the industry. The company’s leverage ratios have been fluctuating throughout the period implying that Masraf-Al-Rayan’s solvency has been changing over the period. From the ratios, the company is highly leveraged

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Analysis of Red Hat Linux Operating System Research Paper

Analysis of Red Hat Linux Operating System - Research Paper Example Among other innovations, such as the Anaconda graphical installer and the firewall configuration tool Lokkit, Red Hat is an established name in the open source operating system market space. This may be due, in part, to its appealing graphical interface for users and the accessibility of its programmer interface, which is intelligently presented. By reviewing this interface, as well as some advantages and disadvantages of the operating system, why exactly Red Hat is a respected name in Linux circles may become clearer. Red Hat is ostensibly based on the design principles of simplicity, robustness, and security (Cunningham & Cunningham, 2007). Simplicity refers to simple abstractions and simple components, which leads to faster and more efficient use of hardware resources. Red Hat exemplifies this characteristic by focusing on a simple desktop for users to customize. Robustness refers to the ability of a system to resist failure after the addition of a new feature or component. When a system is multiprogramming, it is ideal if the system does not fail because it cannot adequately distribute resources to handle the increased load. Red Hat, because it has been developed and re-released over nine versions, is incredibly robust in handling large memory loads. Lastly, Red Hat is based on a secure design, which means Red Hat has extended Linux’s reputation as a secure environment, primarily by buffering overflows integrated in the standard software stack, smartcard authentication support, and SELinux security. The Red Hat Linux desktop consists of GNOME and KDE, which offer a wide range of features. The KDE desktop for Red Hat (in Figure 1), features a main menu icon at the lower left, which is a red hat. The desktop includes a number of files and folders, depending on what software is installed on the user’s computer. KDE is very similar to the standard Microsoft Windows format for the central desktop, particularly in how the standard option places the taskbar at the bottom of the screen, with a main menu button at the lower left, and desktop icons arranged vertically along the left side of the desktop. KDE uses a file management and web browser called Konqueror, which is a standard setting in Red Hat installations. Lastly, the KDE Control Center window allows for additional customization of the operating system for the user. In contrast, the GNOME desktop for Red Hat Linux (in Figure 2) is slightly different from KDE (McCarty, 2004). The principal dissimilarity is GNOME’s use of Nautilus, which like Konqueror, is the default file manager and browser. Another notable difference is GNOME’s use of a drawer, which is a clickable icon that leads to links to other launchers. GNOME also features a â€Å"Start Here† facility that allows for other kinds of configurations, including changes to peripheral devices, default applications, themes, GNOME’s appearance, and so on. A Red Hat Linux user is given a choice between the KDE and GNOME desktop interfaces. Beyond the basics of Red Hat’s desktop and user interface, however, one finds a rich array of tools for a programmer to manipulate and control his or her machine. The Unix shell in Red Hat, like an MS-DOS window, allows the user to execute commands. Again, beyond the desktop and point-and-click interface, the Linux shell is actually more sophisticated. The major elements of the programmer interface

Celia Cruz Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Celia Cruz - Essay Example She was a Cuban singer who came from a humble background until she rose to fame in the US. It is through her music that she encouraged the conservation of marginalized people, as well as, promoting a world Latin American identity, principally utilizing the different syncretic threads of Salsa, originated from Cuban. By doing so, she was able to make a huge contribution to the Cuban music. By doing so she made Salsa a highly historical genre, by using her influence of musical aspects from different countries. Salas is defined by ethnomusicologists, as a genre that has Cuban traditions, mixed with guaracha in addition to rumba (Abreu 96-100). Moreover, salsa also has a huge influence of Colombian cumbias, and merengues from the Dominican Republic in addition to Puerto Rican bombas, (Abreu 105-107). However, the final form of this genre was developed by Latin musicians in the US by combining all the named contributions with aspects of American rock and jazz (Brill 2011). Nevertheless, S alsa contains some African melodious elements, apparent in the principal percussive instrumentation especially the drums, as well as, the call and response approach which is used to improve the vocal layers. Additionally, there is a Spanish influence that can be identified in some instrumentation of the genre. In general, salsa’s structure is in a pattern of the main body piece followed by the call-and-response aspects (Brill 120-126). This is what offers Salas a rhythm which is fast and lively which is valued in its performance. This can be depicted in some of the famous Cuban music. For instance, â€Å"Flor de Mayo,† starts with the clear guitar timbre. Chord strumming is fast in tempo, with slight tension between notes. The melody’s structure is followed by guitar notes that can only best described to have a Spanish style. These are some of the aspects that are identified in Salsa music that are in Cruz songs. Therefore, one can say that her songs contributed a lot in the invention of Salsa music and mostly because she made it acceptable to different people of diverse origins and culture. This does not mean that the genre was accepted by all genertons. In the 1960s, the trending music was the American rock and pop and many Lation youths did not accept the Salsa rhythm as expected. The genre was associated with the old generation and termed as outdated. This is attributed to the fact that many of them wanted to assimilate into the prevailing American culture. However, decade later, there was an overwhelming popularity of Salsa with the emergence of Celia Cruz as the most popular artist and she was ready to satisfy the transformed enthusiasm portrayed by the Latin American music. Cruz was born in Barrio Santos Suarez in Havana, which was a black neighborhood of Cuba in in October 21, 1924 (Ortiz 5-7). She had 13 siblings but she is the only ones that showed interest in singing. This is because as a child, one or her key chores was singing to her younger siblings to sleep. This encouraged her to sing as a child and in her first appearance, she was able to earn a pair of shoes given to her by some tourist that were watching. She developed to a teenager and performed in numerous talent shows in the community and also at school. Her aunt took her to cabarets and nightclubs. She was supported by her family but the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 5

Marketing - Essay Example New product development process Idea Generation Idea generates from different sources. It may be by the influence of the competitor or from the customer. Ideas can be either generated from the internal source like through research and development or from the outside sources like competitors or market research agencies. For example with technological development new types of DVD players are in idea generation process which will play high capacity Forward Versatile Disc or FVD of around 6 gigabyte capacity (Grewal, 2008, p. 308). Idea Screening Sometimes too many ideas are generated which needs to be evaluated and then screened which are not very promising one for the company. The Idea screening process of the foremost U.S motorcycle manufacturer, Harley-Davidson is known as â€Å"The Wall of Fire† who screens different ideas to choose the best out of the development opportunities called â€Å"The Swirl† (Karol, Nelson, 2007, p. 118). Concept Development and Testing The i deas which are screened in the idea screening process are forwarded for the concept development and testing of the screened idea. Ideas can be very beneficial for the company in many cases for which proper testing of the concept is required for its feasibility study. In automobile industry Tata Motors conducted a market research in order to find the gap in the market for its fall in the market share of truck during the year 1998 to 2000. It showed that consumers want a to have a car like vehicle but it can perform like a truck which can carry heavy weights for different purposes (Kumar, 2007, p.29). Marketing strategy development After concept testing the marketing strategies like the description of the target market, distribution channels, pricing policy, advertising, marketing mix strategies and profit in long run are evaluated and managed. For example Unisys identified the need of the customers then developed the project management process after analyzing the feasibility, develop ment qualification etc (Lambert, 2008, p. 151). Business Analysis In the business analysis process the proposal for the development of the product is made along with the cost of development, marketing, manpower resources, technical needs, replacement cycle and the estimated sales forecast. Harley-Davidson eliminated the suppliers who only provide them with prototypes and improved their sales with the direct design technique after analyzing the business process (Lambert, 2008, p. 156). Product Development With the acceptance of the business analysis the next stage is the actual product development which translates the idea into real world entity from drawing. Prototypes are often made for different products in order to understand the feasibility through thorough testing process. Like in case of Ice cream maker Ben & Jerry’s they alpha tests their new flavors range amongst the employees of the firm for their feedback (Grewal, 2008, p. 311). Market Testing With successful testin g process and feedback from the prototype the actual final product are made and research is done from the review of the customers. The disadvantage of market testing is that, the competitors came to know about the new product and they can act accordingly. As for example Coca-cola conducted a market testing by launching small eight ounce cans of soda for Coke, Sprite and various other products in Chicago regions. (Grewal, 2008, p. 313) Commercialization / Product launch Market testing process is very essential to decide whether to move for the product launch or commercialization. If any things need to be altered in the product it is done in this stage to suite the market demand (Boone & Kurtz,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Henri Fayol Principals Essay Example for Free

Henri Fayol Principals Essay Principle 1: Division of work According to Fayol’s principle one of management, division of work, he proposed that â€Å"work can be performed more efficiently if it is divided into smaller elements and assigning specific elements to specific workers† (Rodrigues 2001, p. 880). Contrary to this principle, workers might get bored of doing the same task. For instance in a factory, work is divided into many parts where each of the worker is responsible for a specific task. Eventually these workers will be proficient in their job, where it will become a routine work. However, if they were to continue to perform the same routine task over a very long period of time, they might lose interest or become too complacent. They are not being challenged or made to encounter new or different situations during the job. Thus, this does not create opportunities for them to develop new skills. Employees need to be exposed to job opportunities so that they will be able to pick up new skills, and not just focusing on a specific task. If these employees are given the opportunity to develop new skills, it will give them a sense of importance and belonging in the organisation, and these new knowledge will inspire and motivate them to be more engaged and have a better understanding in their work. Every employees would seize it as an opportunity whenever they face challenges (McGregor Harpaz, cited in Rodrigues 2011, p. 881). Therefore, organisation should come out with methods and tools that are able to increase the opportunities and challenges of the employees (Schmitt, Zacher de Lange 2013, p. 516). To support this, employers can provide workshops and trainings for employees to broaden their skills and specializations. This will also open up the employees’ room for professional development. For example, Singapore Workforce Development Agency, WDA encourages employees, professionals, managers and executives to upgrade and build up on their skills through skills-based trainings (Singapore Workforce Development Agency 2012). Opportunities given to employees at work will allow them to learn and gain more skills and knowledge. In addition, this will also boost up their growth and confidence level in their work as they are empowered with multi responsibilities. In the presence of job enrichment, employees are able to deepen their job responsibilities and have control over their work (Dickie Dickie 2 011, p. 71). Job enrichment will benefit the organisation as it will reduce the number of absenteeism, turnover  intentions and social loafing while increase employees’ job satisfaction, organizational commitment and individual productivity (Davoudi 2013, p. 107). In other words, organisation should encourage and send their employees for skills upgrading to stretch their capabilities. In contrast to Fayol’s understanding that an employee doing one task will increase their efficiency, employee that have more than one skill will benefit the organisation as their knowledge has become greater than before. Another disadvantage to this principle in this 21st century context is the impact of technology whereby machines has taken over some but not all, specialised jobs (Rodrigues 2001, pp. 880-881). Back to the factory example; then people were hired to do manufacturing jobs such as assembling cars. Each worker was given a specific task to assemble a car, but now these tasks are carried out by robots, where they are able to do more than one task (John Markoff 2012). As a result these workers might lose their jobs. Thus this principle, to a certain extent, it may not be relevant today. There are still organisations who practice this principle, but with the fast moving technology and employees who are eager to learn, it might not apply to this day. ? The managers have the power to instruct their employees to perform work that they give. Thus in this principle, managers give their employee rights (authority) and let them be responsible to complete the task (responsibility) that is being delegated to them (Bushardt et al. 2010, p. 9). In this context, it shows that the manager’s role is authoritative, which makes the subordinates have to follow the manager’s instructions (Cheng 2004, p. 91). Managers must stay in mind that they must have a shared understanding with their employees when they assign the task to them (Miles, cited in Evans et al. 2013, p. 24). They must take in consideration not to misuse their authoritative power to the extent that their employees have no choice nor say when their managers delegate the task to them. When the manager and the employee have a common goal, it will open up opportunities for employees to share opinions and make decisions to accomplish the required task. This also allows the managers to understand their employees and get engaged with them. In support of this, managers need to be a good example to their employees so that they will feel inspired and motivated to reach their organisational goals. Hence, managers have to be a transformational leader by moving their team forward to inspire and motivate them (Warrick 2011, p. 12). Whenever someone thinks of a leader, he will associate them with acquiring power, influence and authority (Dickie Dickie 2011, p. 83). One can have power and authority, but only a few are able to influence, inspire and motivate their employees. Fig 1.1 Leader behaviour continuum (Tannenbaum Schmidt, cited in Dickie Dickie 2011, p. 87) The two-dimensional model in fig 1.1 explains that managers’ role of authoritativeness and sub-ordinates empowerment has to be balanced between managers and the employees. Employees are able to participate in the decision making by voicing out their ideas to their managers. Managers can then make a decision based on this shared understanding (Tannenbaum Schmidt 1973). Hence, employees are given the permission to complete the given task which was based on a clear and discussed understanding with the manager. In contrast of Fayol’s perspective, delegation of work to the employees should be tasked responsibly with a shared understanding. Thus, employees will feel that their role in the organisation is worthy and  trusted. References Davoudi, SMM 2013, Impact: Job Enrichment in Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, SCMS Journal of Indian Management, p. 107, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 21 November 2013. Dickie, L Dickie, C 2011, Cornerstones of Management, 2nd edn, Tilde University Press, Australia, p. 71. Rodrigues, CA 2001, ‘Fayol’s 14 principles of management then and now: A framework for managing today’s organizations effectively’, Management Decision, vol. 39, no. 10, pp. 880-889. Schmitt, A, Zacher, H de Lange, AH 2013, ‘Focus on opportunities as a boundary condition of the relationship between job control and work engagement: A multi-sample, multi-method study’, European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, vol. 22, no. 5, p. 516, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 17 December 2013. Singapore Workforce Development Agency 2012, About WDA, Singapore Workforce Development Agency, viewed 12 January 2014, . John Markoff 2012, Skilled Wo rk, Without the Worker, New York Times, viewed 12 January 2014, . ? Principle 2: Authority and responsibility Bushardt, SC, Glascoff, DW, Doty, DH, Frank, M Burke, F 2010, ‘Delegation, Authority and Responsibility: A reconfiguration of an old paradigm’, Advances in Management, vol. 3, no. 9, p. 9. Cheng, BS, Chou, LF, Wu, TY, Huang, MP Farh, JL 2004, Paternalistic leadership and subordinate responses: Establishing a leadership model in Chinese organizations, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 91. Dickie, L Dickie, C 2011, Cornerstones of Management, 2nd edn, Tilde University Press, Australia, p. 83. Dickie, L Dickie, C 2011, Cornerstones of Management, 2nd edn, Tilde University Press, Australia, p. 87. Evans, WR, Haden, SSP, Clayton, RW Novicevic, MM 2013, ‘History-of-management thought about social responsibility’, Journal of Management History, vol. 19, no. 1, p. 24. Tannenbaum, R Schmidt, WH 1973, ‘How to choose a leadership pattern’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 51, no. 3, p. 164. Warrick, DD 2011, ‘The urgent need fo r skilled transformational leaders: integrating transformational leadership and organization development’, Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, vol. 8, no. 5, p. 12. ?

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Integrated Project Delivery Process (IPD) Management

Integrated Project Delivery Process (IPD) Management 1.3 Aims and Objectives The overall aim of the project is to managing project communication in IPD process by selection of team which include owner, architecture, builder and management of project through tools and techniques. To analyse how project manager with different cultural back ground and have managed communication on integrated project delivery process in off-site construction projects. The objectives of the project are: To develop an overview of integrated project delivery using effective communication. To enhance project inter-relationships by effective selection of team members To review the contractual agreements in IPD process to improve the standard communication between single to multi-party contracts. To identify key factors that improve project communication in integrated project delivery process. Abstract The increasing global nature of manufactured construction projects has highlighted the importance of communication and the new challenges it brings to project execution. This paper explores the ability of project managers in UK and India in communicating effectively on integrated project delivery process (IPD) in off-site construction projects. This study examines the factors that influence communication and explores how communication can be made effective in integrated project delivery environments. Using data from 5 interviews in and UK and India, analysing the results shows that communications within off-site construction project environments can be effective when project managers demonstrate an awareness of traditional variation. Participants further highlighted that, one of the critical components of integrated project delivery process is the creation and development of effective collectivism, trust, communication and empathy in leadership. The study underscores an urgent need f or future research to investigate effective guidelines or strategies for effective communication in IPD project teams. Introduction:- This study presents a balance between the experiences of project managers from a UK and India. The study aimed to explore how project managers with different cultural background have managed communications In Integrated project delivery process in off-site construction projects. Specifically, the study was designed to explore the efficiency of communications strategies in off-site construction engineering projects. The scope of the research must be carefully designed and controlled so that meaningful and manageable data can be collected, thus research tends to be focused on one particular event or one aspect of communication. This research provides advice on how communication can be improved in integrated project delivery process in off-site construction. Improvements in communication should result in an increase in the quality of the build and a reduction in the level of defect occurrence. The successful completion of the project depends on the accuracy and timing of communication exchange between the project team. The inefficiency of the current communication practice has become a barrier to the innovation in off-site construction processes. Research efforts and direction in the industry, however, have since changed. Several research studies are now focusing on integration of the construction and communication processes through standardization of data, taking advantage of evolving computer technologies. Why in uk and rest of the world? Layout of the Project:- Chapter 2:-Literature review:- This chapter includes all the literatures based on previous journals to improve communication In Integrated project delivery process, and using different tools like BIM Chapter 3:- Theoretical background:- This chapter includes all the required theories research for present study like change in Project Communication levels, response analysis for project communication in off-site construction. Chapter 4:-analysis:- In this chapter, a force response analysis is carried out by considering communication and also by adding integrated project delivery possibility of identification of communication by using BIM is exploded. Chapter 5:- Conclusion:- This chapter concludes the results, observations and future work required of the project. Literature Review Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Introduction This Chapter is the overall content of the literature review carried out and analysed by the author. This gives the overall understanding of the dissertation. Initially, the place of research (UK and India) is given a brief introduction, which helps the international readers to get a geographical idea of the location. The major to improve the communication in integrated project delivery (IPD) process development initiatives and the roles played are discussed thoroughly. The overall content of the dissertation can be described as the combined result of analysis, comparison and criticism on existing IPD practices in the UK and India. The final conclusion is given with the collective results of the overall study. 2.2 Introduction of integrated project delivery process in UK 2.3 Introduction of integrated project delivery process in India For over 150 years, members of the American Institute of Architects have worked with them and their communities to create more valuable, healthy, safe and sustainable buildings and cityscapes. By using sustainable design practices, materials and techniques, AIA architects are uniquely poised to provide leadership and guidance needed to provide solutions to address climate change. AIA architects walk the walk on sustainable design. Visit / walkthewalk. In 2007 the American Institute of Architects (AIA) National and AIA California Council published the Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) Guide. The Guide defines IPD as a project delivery approach that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“integrates people, systems, business structures and practices into a process that collaboratively harnesses the talents and insights of all participants to optimize project results, increase value to the owner, reduce waste, and maximize efficiency through all phases of design, fabrication, and constructionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. The AIA Guide aims to provide a general guidance for owners, designers and contractors to use integrated models to improved design, construction, and operation processes. Practitioners may apply the principles and techniques described in the Guide to any model on any project to achieve a more integrated project. However, certain characteristics of a particular delivery model or project may influence the level of integration that can be achieved. Selection of Primary Team Members (PTM) (i.e., owner, architect, and builder) who can make strategic decisions for the project and has the most valuable input for the rest of the collaboration team members. The research uses PTMs to be distinguished from other subcontractors and suppliers. American Institute of Architects (AIA) National and AIA California Council also explain how to select the initial project team with the six case studies in the report includes Autodesk inc, ACE solutions division headquarters in waltham, MA, sutter health Fairfield medical office building in Fairfield, California, expansion cardinal Glennon childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s hospital in St Louis, MO, Santa Clara Health centre Fenton, MO,Surrounding Ambulatory Health Centre in Appleton, WAS, and the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism, Arizona State University in Phoenix. All participants were selected based on their compliance with the criteria of IPD, including Mutual trust and respect among participants Collaborative innovation Enhanced early planning Open communication in the project team Building Information Modelling (BIM) Support the principles of design, construction and operations Co-location of equipment Transparent finances Autodesk spent years trying different types of relationships with other design professionals and contractors to find a more effective project delivery process. Ultimately, they developed a relational contracting approach they called Integrated Project Delivery (IPD). By using a relational partnering agreement, IPD aligns the interests of all the PTMs into a common goal. By using the risk/reward sharing mechanism IPD fosters full collaboration and teamwork between the PTMs so that they can work as an integrated team. Typically the IPD team consists of several independent companies for temporary bidding and performing of construction projects. It includes an architect, a general contractor (GC), a mechanical contractor, an electrical contractor, a plumbing contractor, and a mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) engineer. These companies are also referred to as PTMs to be distinguished from other subcontractors and suppliers. PTMs in IPD projects may vary from project to project. Baiden et al., (2010) defined that Communication is essential for the efficient performance of any team especially in construction projects due to skill requirements. The challenge is to ensure that the right information reaches the right person at the right time. Other challenges within the construction project team environment including the alignment of attitudes conflicting with that of the project team and the acceptance more than the compliance of members to share a common vision with the leadership, which is often, imposed by the terms the contract, especially in the early stages of the project. Author also explains that Team integration should be an objective because it leads to efficiency of the delivery process and cost effectiveness through elimination of waste. Competitiveness and profitability are increased which enable firms to deliver better value for money and meet clientsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ needs. In the long-term, integration leads to competiveness as a result of incr eased ability to deliver value for money and better returns on investments in a competitive environment Emmitt and Gorse (2007) have shown that, for factual data transfer, a number of communication problems have been addressed due to the development of rapid global information systems and telecommunications, however, when it comes to off-site projects many issues remain unresolved. For example, the loss of face-to-face communication can lead to misunderstanding and the loss of non-verbal signals such as eye contact and body language. This can subsequently lead to difficulty in achieving mutual trust and confidence within off-site construction project. It is also difficult to manage or supervise off-site projects without face-to-face contact or to confer or develop relationships (Weatherley, 2006). 4.E.G. Ochieng a,, A.D.F. Price b. (2010). Managing cross-cultural communication in multicultural construction project teams: The case of Kenya and UK.  International Journal of Project Management. 28 (1), 449-460. E.G. Ochieng a et al defined the ability of project managers in Kenya and the UK in communicating effectively on multicultural projects. The study examines the cultural factors that influence communication and explores how communication can be made effective in multicultural project environments. Using data from interviews in Kenya and UK , the results show that communications within multicultural project environments can be effective when project managers demonstrate an awareness of cultural variation. Participants further highlighted that, one of the critical components of building multicultural project teams is the creation and development of effective cross cultural collectivism, trust, communication and empathy in leadership. The study underscores an urgent need for future research to investigate effective guidelines or strategies for effective collectivism and communication in off-site construction industry. Turner,2003) defined as Projects are uncertain and so the process for their delivery often cannot be precisely determined from the start. The project manager needs to be empowered to adapt the process as the project develops (Huemann et al., 2004). Also, the purpose of organizing a project should be to create a cooperative, collaborative context for the parties to work in. Levitt and March (1995) say about organizing anything, routine operation or project: Buntrock (2001) introduced 4 models of design development typically found on projects in Japan based on: (1) project participants that are responsible or provide input for each design phase, (2) influence of construction considerations on design development, (3) aesthetic innovation found in components, and (4) performance innovation found in components or systems. Table 4 lists project participant involvement during each design phase to provide a comparative measure for the degree of coordination and collaboration found in our case studies. In particular, Model 4 involving architect, fabricator, and contractor input during all phases of design seems most promising in terms of facilitating innovation inWorkStructuring. Buntrock, D. (2001). Japanese Architecture as a Collaborative Process: Opportunities in a Flexible Construction Culture. Spon Press, New York, 182 pp. Dawood.N et al describes a collaborative research study being undertaken between the University of Teesside and an international contracting organisation based in the UK. The goal of the research is to develop a methodology and a system that will ease and improve communication and exchange of data and information between the construction project team. The author describes reports on an IT-based tool for site document management as a first phase of the storage and distribution of project documents between the construction project team. The structure and development of the system are described with reports of its implementation and performance on the site. This result shows how the available IT facilities can be exploited to improve communication within the whole of the construction supply chain. Optimum utilisation of already available IT can clearly improve the construction processes with accrued benefits. Dawood.N,Akinsola.A,Hobbs.B.(2002).Development of automated communication of system for managing site information using internet technology. Automation in Construction. 11 (3), 552-572. Chapter 3: Research Methodology 3.1 Introduction to the Chapter This chapter explains the research process and approach towards the project. It also highlights the data generation method, risks and limitations of the dissertation. The research done in this dissertation is similar to research process done by Thomas, Nelson and Silverman (2005). Primary source of data ? The information referenced in this literature review, has been taken from different books, published papers .The most of the published papers in journals which have been mentioned in this chapter were taken from two electronic databases Emerald Full text and Business Source Premier (EBSCO). The access to these databases has been through the website of the Salford University Library. The keywords used during this research were communication in integrated project delivery process, project management, multifunctional team communication, project oriented tools like BIM in construction industry, contractors, contract, type of contracts, payment terms for contractors, Secondary source of data ? Why Interview ? Why not questionnaire? The main form of data collection comprised semi-structured interviews with project managers in UK and India the companies involved have construction and professional expertise and experience. The results were particularly important in this study as the participants were selected from a different organisations and project environments. The sample was designed to achieve both UK and Indian companies involved have construction and professional experience of project communication in off-site construction projects. In order to investigate the factors that influenced project communication it was necessary to have a range of organisations in terms of status, size, and projects managed. The five organisations that were selected, where 5 of the participants interviewed, operated in the construction sector. The selected organisations were well balanced in terms of projects managed. In general terms there was a link between the existence of project work and the type of projects undertaken. The five participants were selected on the basis of their project management experience, with each having long-standing familiarity in managing large and complex projects over a period of many years. Each participant provided information regarding the heavy engineering projects they had managed outside UK and India construction industry. Interviewee variety is essential to the quality of data obtained in qualitative research. In this study, the aim of interviewee variety was to explore a diverse proportion of expert views from successful senior project managers on project communication within the UK and india heavy construction industry. The main advantage of this model is that each participant had worked on projects in developing countries. This allowed me to focus in depth on the experiences of each participant. This was particularly important because the research subject data available in worldwide construction and the UK. The participants worked in various types of organisation formations and project arrangements. All participants had a practical understanding of management Interviews were conducted in research to understand the intervieweeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s perspective so that our selection becomes a role in the richness and depth of information obtained.  In this research, interviews sought to harness the expertise and the selection of interviewees was done to reduce biasness and controversy as the definition of a successful project manager continues to generate considerable debate and controversy.  Traditional criteria of success have also been argued as being too simplistic in todays context complex construction project environment (Dainty et al.2003). Dainty, A.R.J., Cheng, M.-I., Moore, D.R., 2003. Redefining performance measures for construction project managers: an empirical evaluation. Construction Management and Economics 21 (2), 209à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"218. An approach to semi-structured interview was used to allow  flow depth and without information from respondents.   The flexible nature also encouraged respondents to participate  full and complete (Fellows and Liu,  2003 Patton, 2002; Schensul et al., 1999).   A combination  strategy was adopted during the interview increased  wealth of data collected.  The strategy follows  presentation by Patton (2002) that the interview three main  approaches: Informal conversation, Interview guide;   Standardized open-ended and not mutually exclusive.   An interview guide was adopted to ensure that all issues  be explored were covered during the interviews  lasted between 45 min and 90 min.  The guide also encouraged  preparation by the respondents and ensured that all  five directors focused on similar topics.  The  restriction imposed on an interview guide was used,  however, removed to allow respondents to more elaborate  on issues that were relevant and important to the performance  Team project implementation through informal conversation  and open questions.  This combination  even more flexible approach of the interviews and  allowed for data relevant to the practices  team integration and collaborative practices met  in a relaxed atmosphere. Case studies were employed to validate the findings. This yielded a better consistency of the findings since it allowed a systematic comparison of different organisations by exploring different management features and examining different levels of behavioural variables involved. Employing various data collection methods provided a complete picture of the issue under investigation. There was a logical progression to the order of the parent codes. This was an attempt to ensure that the main objectives of the study were met. Once this phase was complete, we took each topic in turn and inserted the relevant interview extracts. The analysis continued until data had been reduced amply to enable conclusions to be drawn from the coded data. The findings are presented below, where appropriate illustrative quotations drawn from the interview transcripts have been used to convey participants view. Findings Key dimensions of differences on communication behaviours drawn from participants in Worldwide and UK were used to collate the main attributes deemed to be the most important for 0ff-site construction projects. The reported results present generalised findings based on the 5interviews. The results are presented below under headings drawn from the analysis. Analysis Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Results 4.1 Introduction to the chapter In this study we analyse that communication is viewed as a professional practice where suitable tools and regulations can be applied in order to improve the utility of the data communicated, and is a social process of interaction between individuals. 4.2 Results and Analysis The Results and analysis of this project are arranged as the following questionnaire and the relevant answers from different people through interviews are as follows. Selection of team Teams are used in organisations in most sectors and industries due to the recognition that they are able to outperform individuals acting alone, especially when performance requires multiple skills and judgements Integrated project delivery is a response to the extensive cooperation necessary for 21st century complex projects to be influenced by multiple levels of people organizations. Since it is new, there is a tendency to adjust the focus with each new project. But overall, it works the companies selected for the key project of forming a group that includes the Owner, the AE, MC and may include other key consultants or builders. Usually a single sign, multiparty contract with the owner to form one or more committees of management. The core team establishes a set of project goals, cost, time and quality. Typically, there is emphasis on BIM continuous improvement. IPD is a powerful concept, but it makes more sense when a high degree of cooperation we want, when the importance of the project will capture the attention of major business leaders and when the owner is a leader capable of project delivery processes. IPD selection processes usually start traditional. Unless the Owner has ongoing relationships, the owner invites organizations present their qualifications, the list restricted to a small group and then have interviews. The tradition may end there. In general, interviews are not the typical Wood, PowerPoint show, and repeats followed by Q A-surface where the profits of the show. Its more like a workshop. The signature (s) under consideration may submit qualifications for a few minutes, but the rest of the time is spent without accessories. Discussion turned to the project and how to do it. Other topics of discussion, the companies are asked to evaluate the program and the initial plans. One of the objectives is to use the process to evaluate a companys inclination to work together innovative processes. Unless the teams are previously assembled, it is common affecting Principals in later selections. Whoever is selected in the first place, AE MC or its representative participates in the selection of others. Then both participate in the election code and Sub consultantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s subcontractors. Public Owner may not be able to include people who are not government employees as voting members of a selection committee but can make them feel in the process and provide feedback. In a collaborative environment that produces the same result. Project specifications and requirements This language is not common in recent IPD contracts. However, the contract usually defines clear project objectives with metrics to measure their achievement. The goals may include classic cost, schedule and quality, but other security objectives, sustainability, participation of small businesses, including minority employment. Some of the objectives (goals often very important) and the spirit of collaboration or the relationship between the relationships might not be measurable. As a result, some owners subjectively assess these issues. Management of teams and task division (multi-party contract) Management of Project team integration can be defined as where different disciplines or organisations with different goals, needs and cultures merge into a single cohesive and mutually supporting unit with collaborative alignment of processes and cultures (Baiden et al., 2010) The management of teams to manage current activities, problem solving, work planning, and anticipating the future challenges. The management teams include the owner and the top executives of each of the majors. Types of teams There may be several multi function teams. Senior Management Team (SMT):- Senior Management Team (SMT) may deal with global issues such as project delivery strategy, reallocation of equipment, changes of address or greater problems. A Committee of Operations or Project Management Team (PMT):- A Committee of Operations or Project Management Team (PMT) can deal with the coordination of everyday design, a major milestone IPD leadership comprising the sequence of decisions and passes the baton to the right person at the right time. Schedule, budget, compliance requirements and quality control, minor change orders. The Coordinating Committee on the Land or Project Implementation Team (PIT) adds Construction Superintendents Project managers and subcontractors active short-range management schedules, presentations, and RFIs. IPD In some projects, the owner reimburses each company at a cost. The companies can work within a guaranteed maximum. Management committee may adjust the distribution of labour within the warranty maximum. All feet are in the hands of a fire. A single group money is funding the entire project is divided into categories to costs, benefits and bonuses to the majors. Some owners have taken this concept and work for a EMC (estimated maximum cost). They argue that the EMC increases transparency and the concept of collaboration. And because central computer no longer under warranty, the owner no longer has the a hidden contingency costs inherent in that is a guarantee.8 useful concept for the convenience of the Owner with full confidence that, as team member he or she has a proper control to manage cost. Staff for personnel, bronze brass an important function of the management fee is the head conflicts. In traditional systems, when a problem project staff, driven by job security and human nature, see problem as the fault of the other organization. They explain their for middle managers. Oppose both climbing stories management organizations and polarize. Soon the leaders, led biased point of view, are angry at each other. A project of IPD usually involving organizations at multiple levels. If there is a problem at the operational level, middle management is together to hear both sides of the story and, if necessary, intensified higher levels of the organization. If the management committees not include the companys leaders are empowered to make decisions, IPD meets. Some companies, especially large firms avoid projects that require the participation of metals. If they do not fully delegate authority to the project team can not be suitable for a project of IPD. By contrast, many large companies A project delivery team include those who are key participants and involved in providing solutions that will meet the clientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s requirements in the delivery process. The team, therefore, requires members to harness the potential of the processes associated with delivery efficiency Team integration requires a spirit of cooperation to overcome traditional adversarial attitudes and barriers. This requirement means that its members may have to cross traditional departmental or professional boundaries to share their ideas while negotiating conflict at work. The team also requires a competent leader with the ability to drive the overall optimum achievement of initial team goals Shared risk and reward A fully integrated project delivery team, as considered within this thesis, has a single project focus and objectives boundaries between individuals are diminished and team members work towards mutually beneficial outcomes through the free sharing of information. A new team identity is thus formed by the fully integrated team and achievements, failures and successes are collectively shared (Baiden et al., 2010) Division of project requirements between the teams Selection of techniques and tools Apply of tools and techniques Resolve technical issues Integrate the product In off-site construction, integration often refers to collaborative working practices, methods and behaviours that promote an environment where information is freely exchanged among the various parties. Within an integrated team environment various skills and knowledge are seen as shared, and traditional barriers separating the design process from construction activities are removed or marginalised to improve project (Baiden et al., 2010) Integration has been suggested as providing a demonstrable means of improving the effectiveness of teamwork and project delivery team performance (Baiden et al., 2010) Baiden,a. Bernard,K. Andrew D,F. Price b. (2010). The effect of integration on project delivery team effectiveness. International Journal of Project Management. 3 (2), 1-8. Quality checks and engineering works Deliver quality product Integrated Project Delivery Process (IPD) Management Integrated Project Delivery Process (IPD) Management 1.3 Aims and Objectives The overall aim of the project is to managing project communication in IPD process by selection of team which include owner, architecture, builder and management of project through tools and techniques. To analyse how project manager with different cultural back ground and have managed communication on integrated project delivery process in off-site construction projects. The objectives of the project are: To develop an overview of integrated project delivery using effective communication. To enhance project inter-relationships by effective selection of team members To review the contractual agreements in IPD process to improve the standard communication between single to multi-party contracts. To identify key factors that improve project communication in integrated project delivery process. Abstract The increasing global nature of manufactured construction projects has highlighted the importance of communication and the new challenges it brings to project execution. This paper explores the ability of project managers in UK and India in communicating effectively on integrated project delivery process (IPD) in off-site construction projects. This study examines the factors that influence communication and explores how communication can be made effective in integrated project delivery environments. Using data from 5 interviews in and UK and India, analysing the results shows that communications within off-site construction project environments can be effective when project managers demonstrate an awareness of traditional variation. Participants further highlighted that, one of the critical components of integrated project delivery process is the creation and development of effective collectivism, trust, communication and empathy in leadership. The study underscores an urgent need f or future research to investigate effective guidelines or strategies for effective communication in IPD project teams. Introduction:- This study presents a balance between the experiences of project managers from a UK and India. The study aimed to explore how project managers with different cultural background have managed communications In Integrated project delivery process in off-site construction projects. Specifically, the study was designed to explore the efficiency of communications strategies in off-site construction engineering projects. The scope of the research must be carefully designed and controlled so that meaningful and manageable data can be collected, thus research tends to be focused on one particular event or one aspect of communication. This research provides advice on how communication can be improved in integrated project delivery process in off-site construction. Improvements in communication should result in an increase in the quality of the build and a reduction in the level of defect occurrence. The successful completion of the project depends on the accuracy and timing of communication exchange between the project team. The inefficiency of the current communication practice has become a barrier to the innovation in off-site construction processes. Research efforts and direction in the industry, however, have since changed. Several research studies are now focusing on integration of the construction and communication processes through standardization of data, taking advantage of evolving computer technologies. Why in uk and rest of the world? Layout of the Project:- Chapter 2:-Literature review:- This chapter includes all the literatures based on previous journals to improve communication In Integrated project delivery process, and using different tools like BIM Chapter 3:- Theoretical background:- This chapter includes all the required theories research for present study like change in Project Communication levels, response analysis for project communication in off-site construction. Chapter 4:-analysis:- In this chapter, a force response analysis is carried out by considering communication and also by adding integrated project delivery possibility of identification of communication by using BIM is exploded. Chapter 5:- Conclusion:- This chapter concludes the results, observations and future work required of the project. Literature Review Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Introduction This Chapter is the overall content of the literature review carried out and analysed by the author. This gives the overall understanding of the dissertation. Initially, the place of research (UK and India) is given a brief introduction, which helps the international readers to get a geographical idea of the location. The major to improve the communication in integrated project delivery (IPD) process development initiatives and the roles played are discussed thoroughly. The overall content of the dissertation can be described as the combined result of analysis, comparison and criticism on existing IPD practices in the UK and India. The final conclusion is given with the collective results of the overall study. 2.2 Introduction of integrated project delivery process in UK 2.3 Introduction of integrated project delivery process in India For over 150 years, members of the American Institute of Architects have worked with them and their communities to create more valuable, healthy, safe and sustainable buildings and cityscapes. By using sustainable design practices, materials and techniques, AIA architects are uniquely poised to provide leadership and guidance needed to provide solutions to address climate change. AIA architects walk the walk on sustainable design. Visit / walkthewalk. In 2007 the American Institute of Architects (AIA) National and AIA California Council published the Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) Guide. The Guide defines IPD as a project delivery approach that à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“integrates people, systems, business structures and practices into a process that collaboratively harnesses the talents and insights of all participants to optimize project results, increase value to the owner, reduce waste, and maximize efficiency through all phases of design, fabrication, and constructionà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. The AIA Guide aims to provide a general guidance for owners, designers and contractors to use integrated models to improved design, construction, and operation processes. Practitioners may apply the principles and techniques described in the Guide to any model on any project to achieve a more integrated project. However, certain characteristics of a particular delivery model or project may influence the level of integration that can be achieved. Selection of Primary Team Members (PTM) (i.e., owner, architect, and builder) who can make strategic decisions for the project and has the most valuable input for the rest of the collaboration team members. The research uses PTMs to be distinguished from other subcontractors and suppliers. American Institute of Architects (AIA) National and AIA California Council also explain how to select the initial project team with the six case studies in the report includes Autodesk inc, ACE solutions division headquarters in waltham, MA, sutter health Fairfield medical office building in Fairfield, California, expansion cardinal Glennon childrenà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s hospital in St Louis, MO, Santa Clara Health centre Fenton, MO,Surrounding Ambulatory Health Centre in Appleton, WAS, and the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism, Arizona State University in Phoenix. All participants were selected based on their compliance with the criteria of IPD, including Mutual trust and respect among participants Collaborative innovation Enhanced early planning Open communication in the project team Building Information Modelling (BIM) Support the principles of design, construction and operations Co-location of equipment Transparent finances Autodesk spent years trying different types of relationships with other design professionals and contractors to find a more effective project delivery process. Ultimately, they developed a relational contracting approach they called Integrated Project Delivery (IPD). By using a relational partnering agreement, IPD aligns the interests of all the PTMs into a common goal. By using the risk/reward sharing mechanism IPD fosters full collaboration and teamwork between the PTMs so that they can work as an integrated team. Typically the IPD team consists of several independent companies for temporary bidding and performing of construction projects. It includes an architect, a general contractor (GC), a mechanical contractor, an electrical contractor, a plumbing contractor, and a mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) engineer. These companies are also referred to as PTMs to be distinguished from other subcontractors and suppliers. PTMs in IPD projects may vary from project to project. Baiden et al., (2010) defined that Communication is essential for the efficient performance of any team especially in construction projects due to skill requirements. The challenge is to ensure that the right information reaches the right person at the right time. Other challenges within the construction project team environment including the alignment of attitudes conflicting with that of the project team and the acceptance more than the compliance of members to share a common vision with the leadership, which is often, imposed by the terms the contract, especially in the early stages of the project. Author also explains that Team integration should be an objective because it leads to efficiency of the delivery process and cost effectiveness through elimination of waste. Competitiveness and profitability are increased which enable firms to deliver better value for money and meet clientsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ needs. In the long-term, integration leads to competiveness as a result of incr eased ability to deliver value for money and better returns on investments in a competitive environment Emmitt and Gorse (2007) have shown that, for factual data transfer, a number of communication problems have been addressed due to the development of rapid global information systems and telecommunications, however, when it comes to off-site projects many issues remain unresolved. For example, the loss of face-to-face communication can lead to misunderstanding and the loss of non-verbal signals such as eye contact and body language. This can subsequently lead to difficulty in achieving mutual trust and confidence within off-site construction project. It is also difficult to manage or supervise off-site projects without face-to-face contact or to confer or develop relationships (Weatherley, 2006). 4.E.G. Ochieng a,, A.D.F. Price b. (2010). Managing cross-cultural communication in multicultural construction project teams: The case of Kenya and UK.  International Journal of Project Management. 28 (1), 449-460. E.G. Ochieng a et al defined the ability of project managers in Kenya and the UK in communicating effectively on multicultural projects. The study examines the cultural factors that influence communication and explores how communication can be made effective in multicultural project environments. Using data from interviews in Kenya and UK , the results show that communications within multicultural project environments can be effective when project managers demonstrate an awareness of cultural variation. Participants further highlighted that, one of the critical components of building multicultural project teams is the creation and development of effective cross cultural collectivism, trust, communication and empathy in leadership. The study underscores an urgent need for future research to investigate effective guidelines or strategies for effective collectivism and communication in off-site construction industry. Turner,2003) defined as Projects are uncertain and so the process for their delivery often cannot be precisely determined from the start. The project manager needs to be empowered to adapt the process as the project develops (Huemann et al., 2004). Also, the purpose of organizing a project should be to create a cooperative, collaborative context for the parties to work in. Levitt and March (1995) say about organizing anything, routine operation or project: Buntrock (2001) introduced 4 models of design development typically found on projects in Japan based on: (1) project participants that are responsible or provide input for each design phase, (2) influence of construction considerations on design development, (3) aesthetic innovation found in components, and (4) performance innovation found in components or systems. Table 4 lists project participant involvement during each design phase to provide a comparative measure for the degree of coordination and collaboration found in our case studies. In particular, Model 4 involving architect, fabricator, and contractor input during all phases of design seems most promising in terms of facilitating innovation inWorkStructuring. Buntrock, D. (2001). Japanese Architecture as a Collaborative Process: Opportunities in a Flexible Construction Culture. Spon Press, New York, 182 pp. Dawood.N et al describes a collaborative research study being undertaken between the University of Teesside and an international contracting organisation based in the UK. The goal of the research is to develop a methodology and a system that will ease and improve communication and exchange of data and information between the construction project team. The author describes reports on an IT-based tool for site document management as a first phase of the storage and distribution of project documents between the construction project team. The structure and development of the system are described with reports of its implementation and performance on the site. This result shows how the available IT facilities can be exploited to improve communication within the whole of the construction supply chain. Optimum utilisation of already available IT can clearly improve the construction processes with accrued benefits. Dawood.N,Akinsola.A,Hobbs.B.(2002).Development of automated communication of system for managing site information using internet technology. Automation in Construction. 11 (3), 552-572. Chapter 3: Research Methodology 3.1 Introduction to the Chapter This chapter explains the research process and approach towards the project. It also highlights the data generation method, risks and limitations of the dissertation. The research done in this dissertation is similar to research process done by Thomas, Nelson and Silverman (2005). Primary source of data ? The information referenced in this literature review, has been taken from different books, published papers .The most of the published papers in journals which have been mentioned in this chapter were taken from two electronic databases Emerald Full text and Business Source Premier (EBSCO). The access to these databases has been through the website of the Salford University Library. The keywords used during this research were communication in integrated project delivery process, project management, multifunctional team communication, project oriented tools like BIM in construction industry, contractors, contract, type of contracts, payment terms for contractors, Secondary source of data ? Why Interview ? Why not questionnaire? The main form of data collection comprised semi-structured interviews with project managers in UK and India the companies involved have construction and professional expertise and experience. The results were particularly important in this study as the participants were selected from a different organisations and project environments. The sample was designed to achieve both UK and Indian companies involved have construction and professional experience of project communication in off-site construction projects. In order to investigate the factors that influenced project communication it was necessary to have a range of organisations in terms of status, size, and projects managed. The five organisations that were selected, where 5 of the participants interviewed, operated in the construction sector. The selected organisations were well balanced in terms of projects managed. In general terms there was a link between the existence of project work and the type of projects undertaken. The five participants were selected on the basis of their project management experience, with each having long-standing familiarity in managing large and complex projects over a period of many years. Each participant provided information regarding the heavy engineering projects they had managed outside UK and India construction industry. Interviewee variety is essential to the quality of data obtained in qualitative research. In this study, the aim of interviewee variety was to explore a diverse proportion of expert views from successful senior project managers on project communication within the UK and india heavy construction industry. The main advantage of this model is that each participant had worked on projects in developing countries. This allowed me to focus in depth on the experiences of each participant. This was particularly important because the research subject data available in worldwide construction and the UK. The participants worked in various types of organisation formations and project arrangements. All participants had a practical understanding of management Interviews were conducted in research to understand the intervieweeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s perspective so that our selection becomes a role in the richness and depth of information obtained.  In this research, interviews sought to harness the expertise and the selection of interviewees was done to reduce biasness and controversy as the definition of a successful project manager continues to generate considerable debate and controversy.  Traditional criteria of success have also been argued as being too simplistic in todays context complex construction project environment (Dainty et al.2003). Dainty, A.R.J., Cheng, M.-I., Moore, D.R., 2003. Redefining performance measures for construction project managers: an empirical evaluation. Construction Management and Economics 21 (2), 209à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å"218. An approach to semi-structured interview was used to allow  flow depth and without information from respondents.   The flexible nature also encouraged respondents to participate  full and complete (Fellows and Liu,  2003 Patton, 2002; Schensul et al., 1999).   A combination  strategy was adopted during the interview increased  wealth of data collected.  The strategy follows  presentation by Patton (2002) that the interview three main  approaches: Informal conversation, Interview guide;   Standardized open-ended and not mutually exclusive.   An interview guide was adopted to ensure that all issues  be explored were covered during the interviews  lasted between 45 min and 90 min.  The guide also encouraged  preparation by the respondents and ensured that all  five directors focused on similar topics.  The  restriction imposed on an interview guide was used,  however, removed to allow respondents to more elaborate  on issues that were relevant and important to the performance  Team project implementation through informal conversation  and open questions.  This combination  even more flexible approach of the interviews and  allowed for data relevant to the practices  team integration and collaborative practices met  in a relaxed atmosphere. Case studies were employed to validate the findings. This yielded a better consistency of the findings since it allowed a systematic comparison of different organisations by exploring different management features and examining different levels of behavioural variables involved. Employing various data collection methods provided a complete picture of the issue under investigation. There was a logical progression to the order of the parent codes. This was an attempt to ensure that the main objectives of the study were met. Once this phase was complete, we took each topic in turn and inserted the relevant interview extracts. The analysis continued until data had been reduced amply to enable conclusions to be drawn from the coded data. The findings are presented below, where appropriate illustrative quotations drawn from the interview transcripts have been used to convey participants view. Findings Key dimensions of differences on communication behaviours drawn from participants in Worldwide and UK were used to collate the main attributes deemed to be the most important for 0ff-site construction projects. The reported results present generalised findings based on the 5interviews. The results are presented below under headings drawn from the analysis. Analysis Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Results 4.1 Introduction to the chapter In this study we analyse that communication is viewed as a professional practice where suitable tools and regulations can be applied in order to improve the utility of the data communicated, and is a social process of interaction between individuals. 4.2 Results and Analysis The Results and analysis of this project are arranged as the following questionnaire and the relevant answers from different people through interviews are as follows. Selection of team Teams are used in organisations in most sectors and industries due to the recognition that they are able to outperform individuals acting alone, especially when performance requires multiple skills and judgements Integrated project delivery is a response to the extensive cooperation necessary for 21st century complex projects to be influenced by multiple levels of people organizations. Since it is new, there is a tendency to adjust the focus with each new project. But overall, it works the companies selected for the key project of forming a group that includes the Owner, the AE, MC and may include other key consultants or builders. Usually a single sign, multiparty contract with the owner to form one or more committees of management. The core team establishes a set of project goals, cost, time and quality. Typically, there is emphasis on BIM continuous improvement. IPD is a powerful concept, but it makes more sense when a high degree of cooperation we want, when the importance of the project will capture the attention of major business leaders and when the owner is a leader capable of project delivery processes. IPD selection processes usually start traditional. Unless the Owner has ongoing relationships, the owner invites organizations present their qualifications, the list restricted to a small group and then have interviews. The tradition may end there. In general, interviews are not the typical Wood, PowerPoint show, and repeats followed by Q A-surface where the profits of the show. Its more like a workshop. The signature (s) under consideration may submit qualifications for a few minutes, but the rest of the time is spent without accessories. Discussion turned to the project and how to do it. Other topics of discussion, the companies are asked to evaluate the program and the initial plans. One of the objectives is to use the process to evaluate a companys inclination to work together innovative processes. Unless the teams are previously assembled, it is common affecting Principals in later selections. Whoever is selected in the first place, AE MC or its representative participates in the selection of others. Then both participate in the election code and Sub consultantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s subcontractors. Public Owner may not be able to include people who are not government employees as voting members of a selection committee but can make them feel in the process and provide feedback. In a collaborative environment that produces the same result. Project specifications and requirements This language is not common in recent IPD contracts. However, the contract usually defines clear project objectives with metrics to measure their achievement. The goals may include classic cost, schedule and quality, but other security objectives, sustainability, participation of small businesses, including minority employment. Some of the objectives (goals often very important) and the spirit of collaboration or the relationship between the relationships might not be measurable. As a result, some owners subjectively assess these issues. Management of teams and task division (multi-party contract) Management of Project team integration can be defined as where different disciplines or organisations with different goals, needs and cultures merge into a single cohesive and mutually supporting unit with collaborative alignment of processes and cultures (Baiden et al., 2010) The management of teams to manage current activities, problem solving, work planning, and anticipating the future challenges. The management teams include the owner and the top executives of each of the majors. Types of teams There may be several multi function teams. Senior Management Team (SMT):- Senior Management Team (SMT) may deal with global issues such as project delivery strategy, reallocation of equipment, changes of address or greater problems. A Committee of Operations or Project Management Team (PMT):- A Committee of Operations or Project Management Team (PMT) can deal with the coordination of everyday design, a major milestone IPD leadership comprising the sequence of decisions and passes the baton to the right person at the right time. Schedule, budget, compliance requirements and quality control, minor change orders. The Coordinating Committee on the Land or Project Implementation Team (PIT) adds Construction Superintendents Project managers and subcontractors active short-range management schedules, presentations, and RFIs. IPD In some projects, the owner reimburses each company at a cost. The companies can work within a guaranteed maximum. Management committee may adjust the distribution of labour within the warranty maximum. All feet are in the hands of a fire. A single group money is funding the entire project is divided into categories to costs, benefits and bonuses to the majors. Some owners have taken this concept and work for a EMC (estimated maximum cost). They argue that the EMC increases transparency and the concept of collaboration. And because central computer no longer under warranty, the owner no longer has the a hidden contingency costs inherent in that is a guarantee.8 useful concept for the convenience of the Owner with full confidence that, as team member he or she has a proper control to manage cost. Staff for personnel, bronze brass an important function of the management fee is the head conflicts. In traditional systems, when a problem project staff, driven by job security and human nature, see problem as the fault of the other organization. They explain their for middle managers. Oppose both climbing stories management organizations and polarize. Soon the leaders, led biased point of view, are angry at each other. A project of IPD usually involving organizations at multiple levels. If there is a problem at the operational level, middle management is together to hear both sides of the story and, if necessary, intensified higher levels of the organization. If the management committees not include the companys leaders are empowered to make decisions, IPD meets. Some companies, especially large firms avoid projects that require the participation of metals. If they do not fully delegate authority to the project team can not be suitable for a project of IPD. By contrast, many large companies A project delivery team include those who are key participants and involved in providing solutions that will meet the clientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s requirements in the delivery process. The team, therefore, requires members to harness the potential of the processes associated with delivery efficiency Team integration requires a spirit of cooperation to overcome traditional adversarial attitudes and barriers. This requirement means that its members may have to cross traditional departmental or professional boundaries to share their ideas while negotiating conflict at work. The team also requires a competent leader with the ability to drive the overall optimum achievement of initial team goals Shared risk and reward A fully integrated project delivery team, as considered within this thesis, has a single project focus and objectives boundaries between individuals are diminished and team members work towards mutually beneficial outcomes through the free sharing of information. A new team identity is thus formed by the fully integrated team and achievements, failures and successes are collectively shared (Baiden et al., 2010) Division of project requirements between the teams Selection of techniques and tools Apply of tools and techniques Resolve technical issues Integrate the product In off-site construction, integration often refers to collaborative working practices, methods and behaviours that promote an environment where information is freely exchanged among the various parties. Within an integrated team environment various skills and knowledge are seen as shared, and traditional barriers separating the design process from construction activities are removed or marginalised to improve project (Baiden et al., 2010) Integration has been suggested as providing a demonstrable means of improving the effectiveness of teamwork and project delivery team performance (Baiden et al., 2010) Baiden,a. Bernard,K. Andrew D,F. Price b. (2010). The effect of integration on project delivery team effectiveness. International Journal of Project Management. 3 (2), 1-8. Quality checks and engineering works Deliver quality product